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Justin Dillon Comments on Betsy DeVos’s Proposed Title IX Reforms in The Atlantic

Sep 04, 2018

September 4, 2018 -- Justin Dillon was quoted in an article in The Atlantic analyzing Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’s proposed reforms to Title IX as an effort to roll back what he viewed as the wild overreach that took place during the Obama era.

Mr. Dillon expressed skepticism that the draft changes would go far enough in protecting due process, calling the proposal to give schools a choice about the burden of proof used in Title IX cases “completely hollow.” No school, he said, would be willing to run the publicity risk of choosing the lower burden unless compelled to do by the government.

He also questioned the usefulness of the proposal to “require schools to share the evidence in the case with the complainant and respondent….[I]n Dillon’s experience, schools don’t know how to gather or weigh evidence, and often they are not interested in exculpatory texts or other materials offered by the accused.”

For the full article, click here.

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