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TITLE IX and Campus Discipline

  • Served as lead counsel in Doe v. George Mason University, 149 F. Supp. 3d 602 (2016), and was the first attorney to win summary judgment in a campus sexual misconduct case in the modern Title IX era. The student in that case had been expelled after being represented at his hearing by a different attorney. Our successful lawsuit forced the school to vacate the finding against him and pay more than 90% of his attorneys’ fees.

  • Successfully defended a student who had been accused of sexual assault by an ex-girlfriend by showing, through text messages they had exchanged, that what she characterized as an abusive relationship was actually warm and loving.

  • Represented a world-famous professor in a sexual harassment matter that ended with no findings against him and a monetary settlement.

  • Handled appeal for a student who had been expelled following a conduct hearing in which he did not have an attorney. In 36 hours, drafted and filed his appeal on the grounds that the lead investigator had been biased against him, leading the school to vacate the finding, appoint a new investigator, and exonerate him completely after a new hearing.

  • Represented international student who, while represented by another attorney, had been found responsible for sexual assault and expelled, which would have caused him to lose his visa and return to his home country. In one week, drafted and filed an appeal that convinced the university to vacate the expulsion and permit him to complete his degree.

  • Represented a star student at a top university who had been represented by another firm at his hearing, found responsible for sexual assault, and suspended. Successfully argued on appeal that there was no factual basis for the finding and secured his complete exoneration.

  • Represented international student who had been accused of sexual misconduct by three separate complainants and immediately suspended from school mid-semester. After taking over the case, convinced the school to readmit him and ultimately secured his complete exoneration.

  • Represented a student accused of plagiarism at a university with a zero-tolerance, mandatory-expulsion policy for cheating. Convinced the school to throw out the case on procedural grounds.

  • Represented a student accused by two different classmates, who had clearly conspired with each to bring their charges. One complainant agreed to informally resolve the case with no finding as soon as the investigation report was released showing the exculpatory evidence we'd collected on behalf of our client. The other complainant refused to discuss informal resolution and went to a hearing, after which our client was exonerated of all charges.

White-Collar Criminal Defense

  • Represented a doctor involved in a massive health-care fraud and drug conspiracy in which he was potentially facing decades in prison. Negotiated a resolution in which he ultimately served less than a year at a minimum-security prison camp.

  • Represented military officer who had been charged with assault. Convinced the government to drop all charges against him.

  • Successfully defended a senior federal prosecutor from ethics charges brought by the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility regarding allegations of misconduct in a high-profile case that had received massive, nationwide media attention.

  • Successfully defended a junior federal prosecutor from ethics charges brought by the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility regarding allegations that he had intentionally elicited false testimony at trial.

  • Represented a target of a Foreign Agents Registration Act investigation and secured the first-ever Deferred Prosecution Agreement in a FARA case.

  • Represented a cabinet official in an investigation regarding whether he had lied to Congress; no charges were ever filed.

  • Represented a federal prosecutor being investigated on ethics charges related to role in a high-profile bribery case and secured his complete exoneration.

  • Represented two federal law enforcement officials in a Grand Jury investigation regarding into the alleged use of excessive force during a protest; no charges were ever filed against them.

Civil Litigation

  • Served as lead counsel in litigation against a prestigious private university that spanned more than two years and resulted in complete relief for the client. Obtained multiple unusual evidentiary rulings that led court to order one-sided discovery into university’s actions, which revealed extensive fraud in client’s student discipline process. Obtained merits ruling from court that vindicated client and led to favorable settlement with university.

  • Achieved complete victory as lead counsel in a 3-day arbitration matter on behalf of an organization accused of wide-ranging misconduct. Secured award totaling 100% of the organization’s damages, plus tens of thousands of dollars to cover its legal fees and costs in the arbitration. Successfully defended the award in D.C. Superior Court—obtaining still more recovery for the client—and in argument before the D.C. Court of Appeals.

  • Served as lead counsel in federal court for a former member of the FBI sued in connection with his work on “Crossfire Hurricane,” the Bureau’s investigation into suspected links between former President Trump and Russia. Coordinated briefing in the district court among counsel for several other former FBI personnel sued in the same matter and successfully argued in court for dismissal of the suit.

  • Obtained summary judgment in federal court on behalf a student disciplined for sexual assault after convincing the court to allow client to conduct targeted early discovery. That discovery led to “smoking gun” evidence of client’s innocence, and eventually to summary judgment, over university’s continued opposition. Subsequently negotiated favorable settlement for client.

  • Represented a cabinet-level individual, and individuals in two different executive agencies, whose testimony was sought in connection with the House of Representatives’ first impeachment inquiry into former President Trump. Argued in federal court on behalf of the cabinet-level official in an effort to prevent him from having to testify, and negotiated with stakeholders in the legislative and executive branches on behalf of the other two in connection with their potential testimony.

Disclaimer: The representative matters above have all been handled by Attorneys at Dillon PLLC.

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